Kids Ministry
Kids Ministry at Bethel has something for everyone! Join us during the school year for a mix of options for Kids birth-6th grade including small and large group opportunities in music/choir, art, movement, bible stories, prayer, child care, and more. Our Fall 2024-2025 Calendar is coming soon.
Volunteers Needed
Do you love children and care about their faith formation? We are looking for Sunday School Co-Leaders (you will be mentored by your experienced Co-Leader who may or may not lead each time as you prefer). Do you love playing with younger children? Our nursery or school aged child care might be for you with a less formal, faith filled and play-based program. Please fill out this form if you are interested in either of these opportunities.
Sunday School & Child Care
We joyfully welcome ALL families to join us in faith-filled fun and education. We use the Spark-Activate Faith and Frolic Curriculum for Sunday School and Child Care for ages birth through 6th grade. Kids and families 4K and up check in at the Sunday School Kiosk outside the Sanctuary and then begin in the 9:00am worship service with their families and Sunday School Leaders in the Kids Worship Area. They depart for Sunday School around 9:10am after the Storytime message. Sunday School Leaders take the children to their classrooms upstairs for lessons based on the lectionary so kids and families get the same weekly message for faith formation at home together. Kids who have completed Holy Communion Instruction are brought back to rejoin their families in the worship service during the offering and in time for Holy Communion. Kids 4K-1st grade stay in Sunday School until parents pick them up after the service or they can stay for child care while families visit, attend forums, our mom’s group or bible studies. Kids 0-3 years old start and stay in the Kids Corner anytime from 8:45-12:15 (please bring a snack for your child if they will be in child care more than 2 hours). Children under age 3 may use the unstaffed nursery on the first floor on Sunday mornings with family supervision. Toddlers may be able to join staffed child care upstairs with older children for short periods of time–please inquire with child care staff.
Kids Choir
Kids 4K-1st grade get music time with the Kids Choir Conductor during the last part of Sunday School. Kids 2nd-6th grade can sign up for our Kids Choir which practices after Sunday School from 10:00am-10:30 weekly and performs a few times during the 9:00 service during the fall and spring semesters and for the Annual Christmas Pageant.
Other Events
Kids can also participate throughout the year in special retreats out at Bethel Horizons, attend Vacation Bible Camp, and be involved in other seasonal events and celebrations. Vacation Bible School may return in 2025 if we have enough interest. Watch the events page, church bulletins, the Bethel Weekly and the Bethelite Newsletter for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp 2024 at Bethel Horizons!
SAVE THE DATE Vacation Bible Camp will be held at Bethel Horizons July 29-Aug 1, 2024. Check back later for more information to come!

Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise (Kid’s Music) is a child’s first choir experience at Bethel. We sing all types of music, learn to play handbells, and use percussion instruments too! Sometimes we wear costumes and often make our own props to go along with our songs. We’ve learned about faith by singing about frogs, computers, cars, pogo sticks, and many other things! We sing during worship throughout the year.
Rehearsals: during Sunday School 9:45-10:00am in Rm 202

Spirited Sound
Spirited Sound (Kid’s Choir) takes kids’ musical experiences at Bethel to the next level. We sing a wide range of repertoire from hymns to jazz to gospel and everything in between! We make every piece we sing our own through the addition of movement, instruments, harmonies and sometimes even shouting! Through our music-making we work together to learn how our faith affects our lives in many different ways.
Rehearsals: Sundays, 10:00-10:30am in Rm 202

Child Health and Safety
Bethel Lutheran Church posts information regarding child health and safety as a service to members, visitors and other interested parties. Bethel does not endorse any specific product or company.
Due to the number of children who are allergic to peanuts, we ask that treats brought to Sunday School not contain nuts.
Food labels/ingredients may change over time, so it is always recommended that you read the label before purchasing snacks. Please read labels carefully to make sure the products are nut free. This includes labels that read “May contain traces of peanuts/nuts.”

Child Care Options at Bethel:
- Staffed Child Care for kids aged 3yrs-4th grade is located upstairs in Room 216 from 8:45am-12:15pm. An unstaffed Nursery is available outside the Sanctuary in Rm 121 for family use and kids under age 3yrs. Toddlers may be able to joined staffed child care upstairs for short periods of time-inquire with nursery staff.
- The Children’s Whisper Zone at the front of the sanctuary the crying room side is a dedicated space for families who need some room to move and play or do a quiet activity, but still want to worship. This is the gathering space for families whose children will attend Sunday School. Sitting in this space will make it easier for children to find their families when they return to the service from Sunday School during the offering
- Children’s Play room/Cry room at the back of Sanctuary.
- Children’s Activity Bags are available to take to explore during worship if sitting in the regular pews without access to the activities in the Whisper Zone. They are located at the back of the church hanging on the “Bug Rack” and are yours to keep.