Vision Statement
Connecting people to Jesus through diverse experiences of worship, praise, and thanksgiving.
The worshiping team meets regularly and consists of the lead pastor, the director of music, an elected facilitator, and representatives from ushers, deacons, acolytes, media, altar guild and other councils which relate to worship.
Music Ministry
Music plays an important role in Worship at Bethel. Music offers praise to God and can be exciting, inspiring, educational and consoling to the worshiper.
Worship Volunteers
Sunday morning volunteer worship teams are vital to providing a smooth-running and enjoyable worship service. Serving in one of these ministries can enrich your faith and connect you with other members. Greeters Greeters are essential for providing a welcoming environment. They are stationed near the three entrances to greet newcomers and visitors. Our building is
The worshiping team directs and oversees the following programs:
- Acolytes
- Altar Guild
- Bhutanese Ministry
- Communion Assistants
- Fine Arts Committee
- Lectors (Readers)
- Media Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Sound Ushers
- Ushers
- Worship Volunteers
Areas of accountability include:
- Understand that worship is central to Bethel Lutheran Church
- Provide different experiences to praise God and grow our faith
- Meet regularly on a schedule they determine
- Design and implement spirit-filled worship experiences
- Grow the music ministry
- Involve as many people as possible as communion assistants, readers, ushers, and acolytes.
- Oversee the above areas
- Evaluate the media ministry and create and insure inspiring programming.
- Plan ahead for the church calendar year.