Women’s Ministry
Bethel’s Women’s Ministry provides a variety of opportunities for service and fellowship. All of the women of Bethel are welcome at any and all groups and activities in the women’s ministry. Women’s Ministry at Bethel will provide opportunities to strengthen the connections that women have with God, with their church and with each other. The Women’s Coordinating Council oversees this ministry. Contact WCC President Kris Fansler for more information about groups and activities within the women’s ministry.
Baptismal Blankets
Bethel has a group of women who are making blankets for Baptisms. Basic sewing or quilting skills are helpful. If you are interested in being a part of this group and would like to find out more about what we do, please contact Mary Anne Smith at masmith204@aol.com or 262.930.8844. View how to make a
Bethel Book Women
The Bethel Book Women meet on the third Monday of every month at Bethel to discuss that month’s book selection. Members nominate up to three books each to discuss for the upcoming year (July to June) in May via an electronic survey. We nominate our favorite books from the following genres: Classic, Fiction, Non-Fiction and
Blanket Workshop
Blanket Workshop: women share in fellowship as they make blankets (quilts) that are donated to Lutheran World Relief for distribution throughout the world. Some women in the group spend their time at a sewing machine. Most of the women share in simple tasks of tying knots with yarn and pinning hems. No sewing or quilting
Women’s Circles
All of the women of Bethel are welcome at any and all groups and activities in the Women’s Ministry! Come and see what we are about. We’d love for you to join us. Contact WCC President Kris Fansler for more information about groups and activities within the women’s ministry. A Circle is a small group
Women’s Coordinating Council
Women’s Coordinating Council (WCC) is an assembly of the leaders of all of the groups that are a part of the Women’s Ministry at Bethel: our circles, blanket group, church ladies, women’s choir and prayer shawls. WCC meets four times a year. Members of Women’s Coordinating Council plan events and projects so that all groups can participate
Women’s Special Events
Women’s Retreat: Each year the women’s ministry at Bethel holds a retreat. The retreat is usually held at Bethel Horizon’s camp. It is an opportunity to meet new Bethel friends, hear an inspirational speaker and enjoy some of the activities unique to Horizons. Advent By Candlelight: Our Christmas season event is held in early December.