Annual Appeal

We are excited to further our mission and ministry during our Annual Appeal: “Hope Grows Here!” Together, we will explore the ancient promises given to God’s people—promises of hope and joy found in our shared calling and community as the people of God. We encourage all members and friends to prayerfully consider their Annual Pledge for 2025. Annual pledges help us be faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to us by our generous God.

Listed below are just some of the avenues you can choose to give in joyful response to all that God has given to us in the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[DOWNLOAD] Realm Online Giving Form

Realm Online Giving Program

Realm Online Giving is an automated giving program designed to help you conveniently and consistently contribute to our congregation. Through Realm Online Giving, your gifts are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account.

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