Adult Ministry
Adult discipleship takes many forms at Bethel. In each of the varied offerings, faith and understanding are deepened as individuals explore what it means to be a faithful Christian. On Sunday mornings you will find bible-studies, forums on current issues, art installations, and invitations to various small groups. We offer a more intensive immersion in the Bible through the Bethel Bible Series (In 2024, classes will be offered on Sunday mornings at 10:15AM CDT in Room 120 and Saturday mornings on Zoom at 8:30AM CDT). We also have a rich library of spiritual and theological resources open to all.
Caring For Creation (C4C)
The shared vision of the two programs, Caring for Creation (C4C) and Caring for Social Justice (C4SJ) derives from the 4 Harmonies of the Bethel Bible Series: to live in harmony with environment, others, ourselves and God. As Lutheran Christians, we are called to care for others and for the Earth.
Caring For Social Justice (C4SJ)
The shared vision of the two programs, Caring for Creation (C4C) and Caring for Social Justice (C4SJ) derives from the 4 Harmonies of the Bethel Bible Series: to live in harmony with environment, others, ourselves and God. As Lutheran Christians, we are called to care for others and for the Earth.
A Call to Justice and Mercy
Welcome “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.” –Micah 6:8 If you’re curious or even frustrated about racism and what to do about it, A Call to Justice and Mercy (ACTJAM) is for you. It’s for all of us. As a church community
Rebuilding at Bethel
Relationships can be very difficult sometimes. If you are ending a committed relationship Rebuilding at Bethel offers a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings as well as find information, guidance, support and friendship.

Bethel Bible Series
How do we come to know Jesus? How do we meet the true Christ as revealed in the scriptures?
The Bethel Bible Series seeks to address these questions with a unique overview approach of the Old and New Testaments. The student is immersed in the Bible and thereby establishes a biblical knowledge base. In the process of the study, the student lifts from the pages of Scripture the wonderful story of God moving through history and showing us the plan of salvation.
The Bethel Bible Series provides the groundwork for a student’s firm foundation of faith, making this program of study the best first step. Visit the Bethel Bible Series website