Bethel Community Services Corporation
Bethel Community Services Corporation (BCSC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that serves as the social service arm of Bethel Lutheran Church, governed by a Board of Directors who are members of Bethel. BCSC’s mission is two-fold: to “assist and/or develop services for vulnerable and at-risk populations.”
To assist, BCSC disperses funds in the form of grants to local community organizations that offer services to vulnerable populations such as homeless, incarcerated and formerly incarcerated, racially marginalized individuals, and others.
BCSC also seeds development of services for these vulnerable populations and it supports the delivery of services by Bethel or other churches. BCSC is eligible to receive tax-exempt charitable contributions from a variety of sources that may not otherwise support church affiliated/faith-based programs.
BCSC funds are invested with and managed by the Bethel Endowment Foundation. Each year BCSC has a goal to award a minimum of five percent (5%) of the valuation of its account in the Foundation. BCSC was reactivated in July, 2020 after a hiatus and during that partial year grants awarded totaled $13,300.
EIN: 20-5004069
Bethel Community Services Corporation
312 Wisconsin Avenue
Madison, WI, 53703
BCSC Board Members:
President: Calvin Williams
Vice President: Donna Ulteig
Treasurer: Carol Ross
Secretary: Mary Lou Tyne
Members at large: Amy Bowman, Ann Leon, Beverly Priefer
Bethel staff: To be Determined
Information for Donors
There are many ways to give and gifts of any amount are welcome.
You may make gifts with cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, real estate, and personal property.
Checks should be made payable to: Bethel Community Services Inc.
Your gift may be given in different ways:
- Bequest made as part of your will or living trust
- Memorial in memory of family and friends
- Gift in honor of family and friends
- Cash donation
- Appreciated stock
- Direct IRA distribution
- Planned gift through charitable annuities or trusts or retirement fund assets
- Beneficiary designation through life insurance
Bethel members can make gifts to BCSC through their regular giving to Bethel by designating BCSC on the “other” line.
Jon Eckenrod, Director of Finance, Bethel Lutheran Church
608.257.3577 ext. 229
Information for Grantors
BCSC may identify a need for community services for vulnerable populations that are best delivered by a faith community, including Bethel Church, and may fund the development and ongoing support of these services. To this end, BCSC, as a 501(c)(3) charitable arm of Bethel Lutheran Church, is eligible to apply for and receive grants from philanthropic foundations and to receive tax-exempt charitable contributions from a variety of sources that may not otherwise support church affiliated/faith-based programs.
Information for Local Community Organizations
BCSC awards grants to local community organizations that provide services for vulnerable and at-risk populations.
Written applications for funding are accepted throughout the year on the BCSC Grant Application Form. The form is available in Microsoft Word and can be downloaded here: Download the form here
Send the completed form to Jon Eckenrod:
Mailing address:
Jon Eckenrod
Bethel Lutheran Church
312 Wisconsin Ave.
Madison, WI 53703
Grant requests are reviewed at the regular meeting of the BCSC Board. A representative of the requesting organization may be invited to the meeting of the BCSC Board to speak to the need for the grant and answer questions about it.