What to Expect
Each week we want you to be able to experience the love of God through great music, encouraging messages and friendly people. We know that your first time at a church brings up some questions:
When is worship?
7:30 & 9am – Traditional Brass and Organ
11:00am – Contemporary Rock
5pm – Acoustic Casual
What should I wear?
You are welcome in any style of clothing that is comfortable for you! The most typical dress is casual or business casual clothing.
Where should I park?
You may park in the church’s parking lot, on the street, or in the State Street Capitol Parking Ramp next to Bethel. If you park in the ramp you can pick-up a voucher at the Reception Desk on your way out to cover the cost of your parking.
What happens when I arrive?
At all the entrances, you will find people ready and eager to meet and welcome you. Any questions you have, they will be able to answer. If managing stairs is difficult, we have elevators to get you to the worship level at the parking lot and Johnson St. entrances.
Where will I sit?
You may choose to sit in any of the pews in the worship space.
How long will worship last?
Worship at Bethel typically lasts about an hour.
What should I expect during worship?
Sunday, 7:30am & 9am Traditional Brass and Organ Worship:
Our worship begins with a welcome followed by an opening hymn. After the hymn, we have a greeting and then sing a song. Then a prayer of the day followed by the reading of the lesson. After the lesson, our pastor presents a children’s moment (9am service only) for the kids in the congregation. The gospel acclamation is sung and the Gospel is read, followed by the sermon. We use the Bible as our main source material, but also share different lessons from current events and the culture around us. Then, the congregation is invited to worship God through song. We say the Lord’s Prayer and Apostles’ Creed together (these are printed in the worship bulletin). During the offering time, the Bethel choir will sing an anthem. We have communion together and sing a song during the serving of communion. We have prayers for the people, announcements, and a benediction. We close with a final song followed by a dismissal.
After worship, we have a social time where we serve donut holes and coffee. It’s a great opportunity to make some new friends!
11:00am Contemporary Rock Worship:
Our worship begins with three upbeat songs followed by two slower songs. We put the words on a screen so it’s easier to follow along. We say a prayer and read the Gospel which is followed by the message. We use the Bible as our main source material, but also share different lessons from current events and the culture around us. After the message, we say a prayer and then there is special music played by one or more of our talented musicians. We have communion together and sing a song or have special music during the serving of communion. We have announcements and a benediction. We close with a final song followed by a dismissal.
Will I have to say/sign/give anything, or be singled out in any way?
At Bethel, you’ll never be put on the spot, never singled out, and never embarrassed. You won’t be asked to participate in the offering. Our hope is that you’ll let the worship be our gift to you and that you’ll know we’re here for you!
What is available for kids?
If you are a parent with young children, we are thrilled that you are here. What you are doing is hard and important work. We support you fully. Feel free to use the professionally staffed nursery and the children’s whisper zone (toward the front of the church) as you wish. Please know that if your children are physically active in worship, vocal, or distracted, we understand. We were all children once! Their creativity, energy, and affection add to our total worship experience.
A Staffed Nursery for younger children is located off the Sacred Grounds Coffee House, next to the library from 8:45-11:30am.
The pastor offers a children’s moment during the 9am worship service.
We have Kids’ Ministry classes for kids ages 2-years-old through 5th grade beginning at 9am. Kids are welcome to interact with other kids and our great teachers.
There are also opportunities to sing in a children’s choir, participate in special event days out at Bethel Horizons, attend Vacation Bible Camp, and be involved in other seasonal events and celebrations. Plus lots more! To see everything check out our Kids’ Ministry!