Lessons & Carols
The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song popularized by Kings College, Cambridge, in the early twentieth century. Listening to or attending Lessons and Carols at Kings College is a tradition for many people across the globe. Today, we use this liturgical structure to continue our Christmas celebration.
The nine lessons trace the arc of our salvation, from the Fall to the promise of a Messiah to the Incarnation to the Great Commission to preach the Good News. Music surrounds each reading. In this liturgy, we recall the mystery of our redemption: though sin drew us away, God never stopped loving us. The prophets told of the coming of a Messiah who would bring a reign of justice and peace. This promise was fulfilled in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Let us now reflect with joy on this wondrous mystery.
December 26, 2021