A Very Bethel Christmas CD
Since late summer and with the leadership of Amy Hartsough, Bethel musicians have been secretly and quietly preparing a special gift for you. Since we are unable to enjoy the dynamic music that fills the Bethel sanctuary every Christmas Eve together in person, Bethel is bringing the music to you! Recording in the sanctuary and in the studio, the following musicians bring you A Very Bethel Christmas: Katie Gerlach, Nathan Gerlach, Patrick Kenney, Amy Hartsough, Linda Warren, Gary Lewis, Alex LeMay, Maddie Melrose, Cindy Terhune Melrose, Benjamin Skroch, Donn Gasner, Doug Terhune, Ian Melrose, Barry Dobbs, Chelsea Lauing, the Bethel Choir, and the Bethel Women’s Choir.
This CD is now available and free of charge. To receive your copy, simply email (bethel@bethel-madison.org) or call Bethel (608.257.3577) to request one be mailed to you, come by the church office and pick one up, or simply listen below.
Special thanks go to the Bethel Endowment Foundation for providing the funds for this project.
If you want to download the songs:
- Click on the ‘Soundcloud’ logo on the top right below
- You will be taken to the Soundcloud website
- Click on the 3 dots … at the end of each song, and in the drop-down, there is a download option.