Women’s Coordinating Council

Women’s Coordinating Council (WCC) is an assembly of the leaders of all of the groups that are a part of the Women’s Ministry at Bethel: our circles, blanket group, church ladies, women’s choir and prayer shawls. WCC meets four times a year.

Members of Women’s Coordinating Council plan events and projects so that all groups can participate and have a voice in the scheduled activities of the women’s ministry at Bethel. WCC coordinates activities so that members of all the women’s groups at Bethel can work together to contribute support for our church, our mission projects and the Women of the ELCA at the national and synod levels.

WCC serves as a link to the South Central Wisconsin Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO), as well as to the Women of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) national organization.

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