Mission Partners

Bethel Lutheran Church is in partnership (through the ELCA Division for Outreach) with two congregations beyond the Madison area:

Hephatha Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI. Hephatha Lutheran is a vital inner city church serving its members (primarily Afro-American) and the surrounding community. Pastor Mary Martha offers programs including a work program for youth (which gives them a small income, some work experience, and an employment reference), assistance to those recently released from prison, and hope and counseling to her membership. Pr. Mary Martha is sensitive to the pulse of the neighborhood and helps the residents survive in a difficult world.

The Hmong Ministry and the Hispanic Ministry at Ascension Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI. Ascension Lutheran Church is located in the center of the city of Milwaukee. Three congregations worship in three different languages (Hmong, Spanish, and English). Bethel supports the Hmong and Hispanic ministries.