Lutheran World Relief Kits

Today and every day, Lutheran World Relief Quilts and Kits of Care give families around the world some of life’s essentials, as well as a reminder that they are not alone. From chronic poverty and conflict to drought and typhoon, the intensity of humanitarian needs continues to increase. Your quilts and kits are urgently needed!


Reminders & Tips:

  • Please give new items only, except where otherwise noted.
  • Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or your congregation’s name.
  • Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage.
  • Watch ads all year for bargains (towels-toothbrushes-soap-nail clippers-combs-baby items-etc.)

For more information about Lutheran World Relief.

For more information about Lutheran World Relief Kits.

Bar Soap: Bath size (4 – 5 oz preferred), any brand, in original wrappers.

For kit content, please click on each link and scroll down to the bottom “How to Make…” section of each LWR kit web page:

LWR School Kits | Link A school kit may provide the only supplies for children returning to school after the disruption of war. School kits help parents continue their children’s education, even while living in a refugee camp, for example. A school kit may also be used in adult literacy classes.

School Kit: Blessings Circle will provide the drawstring backpacks. School supplies are deeply discounted late July / early August by office supply and discount stores.

LWR Personal Care Health Kit | Link People who must flee their homes quickly often do not have time to pack essential items. Personal Care kits can help refugees maintain personal hygiene while living in exile. Items may also contribute to a new start for those who can return home.

Personal Care Kit: Nail clippers with file often 2/$1.00 at Walgreens. Update for 2016: Only wide-tooth combs are acceptable.

LWR Baby Care Kit | Link In refugee camps, hospitals, and villages around the world, gifts of Baby Care Kits convey a warm welcome to newborns and their mothers.

Garage sales offer an inexpensive way to assemble gently-used, stain-free, lightweight baby clothes. Select baby clothes made of flame retardant material. Diapers and sweaters are the most expensive items. Some diapers, handmade knit and crochet sweaters and hats, will be available in August/September thanks to a few talented Bethel donors. Additional handmade knit and crochet sweater donations are most welcome. Sample patterns listed above under ‘Patterns’. Fleece baby capes are an alternative to baby sweaters. LWR Baby Cape Pattern

LWR Fabric Care Kit  | Link Many of the thousands of Fabric Kits Lutheran World Relief distributes are used in vocational training programs to teach young men and women useful and marketable sewing skills.