
Here you will find more information in the form of articles and videos related to faith and LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Read and listen to compelling articles, and enjoy some music that we hope inspires and entertains you.


Reflections on Being “Reconciled in Christ”



Stations of the Cross:  An LGBTQIA+ Lenten Journey

ReconcilingWorks website, a resource center for Lutheran communities

“Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America”

Lutheran Introduction to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Gender Expression

You know, “Love One Another” is Really Enough by Michael Pahl

Brief Biblical Case for LGBTQ Inclusion

“10 Bible Passages That Teach a Christian Perspective on Homosexuality” by Layton Williams

Glossary of Terms

Ally’s Guide to Terminology

“7 Tips for Discussing Difficult Issues” by Thomas Aitken



Living the RIC Journey; Reflections from Lutheran Churches

The Realities of the Gay Lifestyle (3.5 min)

Christian Parents Rethink LGBT Inclusion (4 min)

God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships (< 5 min)

Can you be Gay and Christian? (10 minutes)

The Journey of a Gay Christian (17 minutes)

Voices of Witness: Out of the Box (27 min)
A groundbreaking documentary giving voice to the witness of transgender people of faith courageously telling their stories of hope, healing, and wholeness.



Music speaks to us so elegantly and beautifully.  May the following combination of songs of faith and songs performed by LGBTQIA performers touch your heart and soul, and inspire all of us to actively live the “ALL are Welcome” credo.

“Come To The Table” by Sidewalk Prophets

“All Belong Here” by The Many

“Come As You Are” by The Many

“These Bodies” by The Many

“Hey Jesus” by Trey Pearson

“Embrace Diversity” by Markus Christian

“Give Me Faith” by Elevation Worship

“Angels Woulds Fall” by Melissa Etheridge

“How Do You Sleep?” by Sam Smith

“Take Me to Church” by Hozier

“Change” by Tracy Chapman

“Androgynous” by Miley Cyrus, Joan Jett & Laura Jane Grace

“Broken Body of Christ” by The Many

“My Testimony” by Elevation Worship