View Past Speakers and Topics – C4SJ
March 10, 2019
Understanding Community Supervision
Cecelia M. Klingele, JD Associate Professor, UW School of Law
The majority of people serving sentences for criminal behavior are not in jails and prisons: they are living in the community, being supervised on probation or post-prison supervision. Although community supervision is often seen as an alternative to incarceration, the relationship between prison rates and community supervision rates is complicated. In the first of two C4SJ sessions on understanding the current state of the criminal justice system in Wisconsin, this forum will explain how community supervision is structured, how it is experienced by those under supervision, and what can be done to improve its quality and success.
Prof. Klingele teaches criminal law, policing, sentencing and corrections. Her research on criminal justice administration focuses on community supervision and has led her to the conclusion that the criminal justice system needs more than reform; it requires reimagining. She has examined ways of easing the community trauma and expense of incarceration while maintaining public safety. Klingele has held various national leadership positions in academic law groups and has served as law clerk for US District Court and Appeals Court judges and for US Supreme Court Judge John Paul Stevens. Six children at home is protection against boredom!
May 12, 2019
Behind the Curtain: The Community Cost of Incarceration
Karen Reece, PhD, Vice President, Research & Education at the Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development
We spend over a BILLION dollars per year in Wisconsin on corrections. Do you know what your tax dollars are paying for? The prison population in Wisconsin is on the rise again and the state is deciding whether to build new prisons or send people out of state to private institutions to serve their time. While it’s been relatively easy to increase our spending on corrections, it’s not as easy to learn about where that money is going. In this session, you will learn about the difference between jails and prisons, sentencing and available programming, as well as the impact of these things on individuals, families, communities, and our society as a whole.
Karen Reece is the Vice President of Research and Education, at Nehemiah Community Development Corporation. Dr. Reece is involved in strategic planning and manages a continuous/dynamic evaluation program to ensure forward progress and quality control. She runs an annual public education workshop series on the criminal justice system highlighting racial disparities and delivers training upon request for churches, businesses, and other community organizations. Dr. Reece develops curriculum for and co-instructs “Intersection of Health Care and Incarceration”, a course offered at the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. She puts to good use the analytical skills developed in a previous career in product development in biotech. Her wide range of interests, skills, and activities span science, arts (from cello to Hip-Hop!) and community-building organizations.
View Presentation: 2019.05.11_Bethel_Incarceration-KReece2